Hosted by William Henderson and Tyler Stine. Whether you run or prefer a leisurely walk, everyone is welcome! 1350 S Boulder Ave, Tulsa. Every Saturday Morning at 8:00AM
Services in person and online | Sunday 9:30a & 11:00a | Wednesdays 6:30p
Hosted by William Henderson and Tyler Stine. Whether you run or prefer a leisurely walk, everyone is welcome! 1350 S Boulder Ave, Tulsa. Every Saturday Morning at 8:00AM
Join us for service on Sunday mornings at 9:30am for a great message. Child care is provided.
Join us for service on Sunday mornings at 11am for a great message. Child care is provided.
Leaders: Pastor Chano Trevino & Andrew Harmon Men age 18+ join us every Sunday night at 6:30 pm in GYC for fun, connection, and, of course, ultimate rugby and pickleball. Sunday night 6:30 pm GYC building
Hosted by: Sean and Michelle Harris & Julian and Nicky Zavala Bria’s Italian Ice and Ice Cream Families with Infant – 5th Grade Children 2nd Monday of each month
Hosted by: Omar Perez and Mario Gonzalez JV Building 6:30pm weekly
Hosted by: Keenan Courchesne and Dylan Yates GYC Building 2nd Monday of each month
6:00 – 8:00pm Weekly on Tuesday
Pastor Chano Trevino & Pastor Juan Charles Participation Requirements for Prison Ministry Completed Next Steps at Guts Church Completed DOC Training Session Actively serve in an area of Guts Church for 3 months, and have a referral from the department head you serve under Every Wednesday Evening
Join us for our midweek Services in Tulsa and Skiatook Wednesday's at 6:30pm
Wednesdays @ 8pm
Every Thursday, 6:30pm @ Guts Church